Why Trees are important for us?
The planet on which we live is a very beautiful place. There are many beautiful things on our planet, such as mountains, rivers, lakes, oceans, flowers and trees. So it is our duty to look after these things.
Trees play an extreme role in our life. They give us oxygen and in return they take carbon dioxide. Trees maintain the balance of different gases in the atmosphere. When coal and oil are burnt as fuel, a lot of carbon dioxide is produced. Trees absorb this carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere. Due to the industrial revolution, many countries have experienced deforestation. In this way, we are creating problems for ourselves. We should grow more and more trees. Some governments and non — governmental organizations (NGOs) are trying their best to engage more and more people in the programmes of afforestation and assist in the preservation of biodiversity. If we don’t grow trees, a lot of carbon dioxide will remain in the atmosphere. This will lead to global warming with several harmful effects.
A non-violent movement started in the 1970s, which is known as Chipko Movement. It aimed at protection and conservation of trees and forests from being destroyed. The name Chipko originated from the word ‘embrace’ because the villagers used to hug the trees and protect them from woodcutters, who were trying to cut them.
The Chipko Movement was first started in the Chamoli District in the year 1973. From Chamoli District it spread to the other parts of the country. When the woodcutters arrived there to cut the trees, the villagers jumped in front of the trees and hugged the trees and thereby prevented the woodcutters from doing anything.
Some of the great leaders of this movement were Sunderlal Bahuguna, Chandi Prasad Bhatt, Gaura Devi, Sudesha Devi, etc. Some of the great leaders of this movement were Sunderlal Bahuguna, Chandi Prasad Bhatt, Gaura Devi, Sudesha Devi, etc. Sunderlal Bahuguna spent his entire life persuading and educating the villagers to protest against the destruction of the forests.
. Once he said, “A tree is like ten sons because it gives ten valuable things — oxygen, water, energy, food, clothes, medicines, timber, fodder, flowers and shade.” He appealed to the then Prime Minister of India Mrs Indira Gandhi to ban the cutting of trees. Finally, it was banned for 15 years in the forests of U.P. Later on, the ban was enforced in Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Bihar, Western Ghats and Vindhyas.
Today, we are trying our best to save the trees. But we need more efforts towards this great cause so that we get a healthier environment. And don’t forget to read What is the secret of Happy Life? or, How and Why God Created Women?